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Delicate Pattern

Based on actual marble,
Every 55° Soft-Polished Marble Tile,
Contains that detailed, timeless pattern.
With 55° Soft-Polished Technology,
Creating a natural and elegant visual like never before.


55° Soft-Polished Technology

55° Soft Polished Marble Series

Among many marble tiles,
The 55° Soft-Polished Marble Series is even more special.
Their 55° Soft-Polished surface,
Can deflect light into soft, gentle gloom,
Just the right glossiness.
Its R9-R10 Anti Slip Rating makes for great versatility.


瓷磚通過香港測試(DIN 51130 : 2003-08),
屬R9-R10防滑級別,摩擦系數 ≥ 0.60(ASTM C1028)。

The water absorption rate of tiles is less than 0.1% (ASTM C373, EN ISO 10545-3), which is far lower than the 0.5% required by the national standard.

As part of our 55° Marble Tiles series, this tile makes compro-mise between functionality and aesthetic. Its specially designed surface could protect your vision by diffusing excessive light while the marble pattern prints your room with elegance.

The ceramic tiles are made of imported high-temperature nano wear-resistant glaze, the surface is smooth and clean, the gap of the glaze layer is smaller, there is nowhere to absorb dirt, and the cleaning is easy (ASTM C1378, EN ISO10545-14).

The water absorption rate of tiles is less than 0.1% (ASTM C373, EN ISO 10545-3), which is far lower than the 0.5% required by the national standard.


清潔輕而易舉 (ASTM C1378, EN ISO10545-14)。




1. Will there be a significant difference when replacing natural marble with marble tiles?

Marble pattern is the choice of classic decoration style. Natural marble is a relatively expensive building material. The price of marble tiles is nearly half of marble, so it has become a popular alternative material. The marble tiles are printed with highly simulated texture patterns and treated with glaze polishing technology. Both perform similarly in terms of visual effect.

There is no big difference in vision, but a big difference in functionality. When it comes to hardness, slip resistance or ease of cleaning, marble tiles are better than marble. In addition, marble will become dull over time. To maintain its luster, it must be polished regularly. While marble tiles have no such limitation, which is far more convenient to take care of.

2. Under what circumstances is it more suitable to choose the 55° Soft Polished Marble Series?

If there are children or pets in the house, then using 55° Soft Polished Marble Series as floor tiles is a great choice. Since the scope of children and pets are closer to the floor, with the surface of this series of tiles. light can be deflected into gentle bloom, protecting their eyesight.