
Life is like seeing for the first time (Part 1)

I have lived in Western District since I was young, and I have always envied my classmates who live in Taikoo Shing because there are theaters in my own community! Today, the development of the Internet has changed our entertainment habits. The physical big screen is no longer the only way to enjoy movies. Watch online 24 hours a day on mobile phones, computers, and iPads. But I always think that the original feeling and atmosphere can be found in the theater. The expansive picture and stereo loopback stereo equipment is absolutely unmatched at home. Laughing and crying together is also the place where love sprouts must be checked.

Among them, the Emperor Entertainment Theater in Central is my favorite cinema. Amidst the rush of people going to and from get off work, stepping into the entertainment industry feels like a sense of relief, and it instantly makes people enter the atmosphere of watching movies. This theater is exactly the work of the designer of Oft Interiors.

They imagined that if these years are reproduced in a quick mirror, I believe that there must be many plans and drafts that pass quickly. Numerous changes and amendments, the draft paper, pencils, and erasers scattered on the workbench confirm the foundation of the interior design, which is also the first stage of the film: the sketch. The drafting stage is an indispensable and important stage for any creativity and design. Only with sketches can the imagination be gradually presented. Film workers often prepare Story Boards before shooting, and carefully draw the storyboard, shooting angle, location, and clothing. But who said that the draft can only stay at the first draft stage? The beauty of sketches is easy to be overlooked, but what it expresses is the purest and initial touch.

I am reminded of the sentence in "Mulan Ci Ni Gu Jue Jue Ci Yu You", "If life is only like first seeing", many people would be as good as they were when they first saw it... If only seeing it for the first time, all the good things will not be lost. It was amazing at first sight, goodbye still.

Written by: Steph. M


Girl's den

The average unit size in Hong Kong is not large. Whether you will buy a 200-foot dwelling or a 2,000-foot detached house in the future, you will want the decoration and design to be neat and tidy, and the home looks comfortable and spacious. How to plan the home to increase the sense of space in the unit? Designer Leo Tam is good at matching colors according to the guests' preferences, and adding some technical changes to make the unit more space-like.

Leo's case this time uses a warm, soft and romantic gray-pink theme to transform the residence into a private check-in location.

Due to the limited area, in order to expand the space, Leo thought of changing the open kitchen to the doorway, cleverly separating the kitchen and the living room, but also adding a visual sense of space. Sitting on the side of the sofa, you can also see the people who cook, making the relationship closer!

The original kitchen has been changed to a wardrobe, which allows the owner to have more storage rooms, especially the piles of clothes for girls. The closet is connected to the workbench, and the bed constitutes the space of the master room. Coupled with the design of the floor, it can be used to distinguish the space without the seemingly narrow gap between the door and the wall.

The use of glass allows light from different angles to be fully projected into the house, and it can double the sense of space in the living room and room.

On Sunday afternoon, the sun went into the pink cabin, and then lay on the bed and watched the TV in the living room for a while, and then looked out the window. It is so happy to be able to enjoy the lazy moment like this!

Asia is committed to creating a happy home for you.
The case provides:Leo Tam

(Written by: Asher Cheung)


「在藝術中尋找盼望及傳遞愛」 ─ 從幼教走上藝術路




他們正在暗角裡獨自痛哭,在黑夜裡絕望無助。他們的眼中,白天、黑夜,同樣沒有光、沒有夢。然而,祂明白,因祂也同樣走過這段路。 「人子來,為要拯救失喪的人。 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.」 他們會得到真正的救贖,願這成為人們最深的禱告。    


Haley選擇以手工藝起步 ─ 於首飾及手機殼上繪畫。以小小的空間作畫紙,想展現的信息卻宏大。首先了解別人的故事及想法,再把當中的思想以畫表達出來,從而創造出每個人獨一無二的專屬產品。整個過程中所花的時間不只於動筆創作,還需用於互相溝通及了解。正因如此,每一件作品所帶出的意義更貼近人心。

《I Could Have Danced All Night》


建立品牌的社交平台、於D2 Place的市集參展、開辦水彩畫班及工作坊… Haley一直為自己開拓更多可能性。把藝術融入生活中的各種細節,不但增添美感,更加添了靈魂。在所有情況下都致力為客人獻上一幅觸動人心的圖畫,願以此帶出一份獨一無二的愛和祝福。


撰稿留言: 問及Haley還想怎樣介紹自己,她說:「我喜歡看樹,因為當我仰望,就愈發現自己渺小。這使我渴望長得更高,看見更多。」願這位喜歡看樹的女孩,在這條藝術路中能夠茁壯成長,成為一棵堅壯的大樹,把更多的愛以藝術傳播開去。


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如對瓷磚藝術有興趣,觀迎親臨亞細亞旗艦概念店參觀,藝術項目合作聯絡: 9686 6482。

(Written by: Gily Poon)


「把藝術伸延到生活每個角落」— 愛花的女孩

聽到藝術品這個詞語,我們首先都會想起羅浮宮的畫作、美術館的雕塑、甚至是教堂裡的壁畫。彷彿美麗的藝術品就只能存在外國著名的景點裡,可遠觀而不可褻玩。畢業於香港理工大學環境及室內設計科的 Carrie 則打破傳統,在衣食住行不同範疇裡都創作藝術,將藝術融入生活。

Carrie 自小喜愛手工藝,在母親的教導及影響下,更與姊姊及母親於 2013 年在香港創辦了手造花朵飾物品牌 Pamycarie,親手用樹脂黏土為每位客人度身訂造飾品,讓每人都可以把藝術品戴在身上,而特別喜愛花朵的 Carrie 也希望能讓花延伸到生活每個角落,讓喜歡花朵的女生能有被花包圍的感覺。

除了戴在身上的藝術品,修讀過室內設計的 Carrie 也用心研究把藝術融入家中,畢業作品更用磚塊作主題,使藝術品不只好看,更是好用。而由於訂製的關係,作品不再圍繞夢幻的少女主題,也可根據客人要求造成任何顏色系列的地磚及牆磚,打造藝術家居。

樹脂黏土韌性強、混色高,保存也容易而不易損壞,Carrie 認為它容易使用,所以定期也會舉行工作坊,使不只工藝師可以創造藝術,讓大眾也可以製作自己的藝術品。而這種特性也驚喜地帶來可持續性,如 Carrie 嘗試過將被棄置的寶石及瓷磚重用,混到樹脂中為其增添新的價值,延續它的生命。

人手製作一朵朵花瓣,蛻變成一個個花朵飾物,Carrie 由零開始,把腦海裡幻想的設計,在飾物、磚塊、或是生活上任何的物件中真實呈現,雖然花費時間心思,但 Carrie 不因難度而放棄對美的追求,夢想客人戴上她們的心血時會有幸福的感覺。


藝術項目合作:2152 1900


(Written by: Asher Cheung)




我並沒有刻意安排一堆行程,只想著必定要去看看那一排彩色房子,畢竟我也是衝著它們而來的,哈哈!這排彩色房子的所在地名為新港 (Nyhavn)。新港是一條能把海水直接引進至國王新廣場的運河,從前於17世紀時是丹麥的一個繁忙港口。





(撰稿: Gily Poon)