
Memories of the bright summer atmosphere | Summertime Vibes hand-fired series new debut

The warmer weather is the best time to travel, but due to the epidemic, I had to stay at home and savor my travel memories. ASA Tiles has launched a new ceramic tile product ─ Summertime Vibes hand-fired series. There is no size or quantity limit, which is suitable for underground and wall applications. The tiles can be made into unique colors through single color or mixed colors. Whether it is the picture of the sun and the beach, or the sunset glow in the sky, you can freely deploy your summer colors on the surface of the tiles to recall the summer adventure.

Summertime Vibes


New flagship concept store to implement green concepts

As a ceramic tile manufacturer and seller, ASA Tiles has always advocated the direction of production and operation of green buildings. In the recent upgrade and renovation of the flagship concept store in Wan Chai, we did not forget to implement the environmental protection concept and tried our best to inject more environmental protection elements into it. The green policy we implement can be roughly divided into four parts: (1) Material recycling system, (2) Light energy saving system, (3) Paperless system, (4) Daily energy saving system.

(1) Material application system
Decoration materials are undoubtedly more difficult to recover and recycle than other items. In the decoration process, we set out with the goal of "making the best use of everything," hoping to reduce the leftover and wastage from our own point of view.

Prioritize leftover materials
In the design of the floor of the flagship concept store, we used artistic cutting techniques to cut the tiles according to the design and lay them on the floor to replace part of the carpet. When selecting materials, we use the remaining tiles after cutting according to customer requirements as materials to reduce the waste of existing tiles and avoid the creation of new materials.

Computer cutting method
On the other hand, when performing artistic cutting, we use computers and machines to replace the traditional manual methods. All data are precisely calculated to ensure accurate operation and reduce unnecessary tile loss due to cutting errors.

(2) Lighting energy-saving system
We understand the importance of adequate and appropriate lighting for flagship concept stores. However, too much lighting can easily cause energy waste. Therefore, we start from different aspects to establish a complete and multi-faceted energy-saving lighting system.

Hire a lighting consultant
We have hired professional lighting consultants. During the renovation process, the consultants have been making suggestions according to our energy-saving goals and giving guidance on actual implementation, so as to bring out the greatest practical and energy efficiency.

Inject daylight
We retained the original large windows in the store and insisted not to make any changes that would affect the windows, so that natural sunlight can directly enter the store and reduce the number of electric lights that need to be used.

Use time control
From a commercial point of view, keeping the store’s transparency is indeed effective in attracting more attention. Therefore, we have added a time control function to the light switch program to ensure that the store’s lights only operate within the effective time after evaluation, and try to avoid causing Any additional energy waste should be balanced between commercial and environmental factors.

Lighting control
It is worth mentioning that we have set up a dedicated lighting system in the customer mock-up area, which can change the color temperature and luminosity of the location according to needs. We hope that through this move, we will provide lighting that is closest to the actual living environment of customers, so that they can effectively make the best choice when purchasing tiles, and reduce the waste of tiles due to actual drop after purchase.

(3) Paperless system
The display and promotion of ceramic tiles need to contain a lot of information. We change the habit of using traditional printing materials and try to use non-disposable methods and electronic means to display and transmit product information.

There are multiple large light boxes in the store to replace the flyers and brochures used in the past to clearly display the characteristics and information of different product series; the promotion of the brand concept and non-product information are shown on the TV screen in the store in video format .

Electronic route
The product catalogue contains comprehensive information on all products. We continue to update and design the old and new catalogues. However, the traditional printed version is banned in electronic version and transmitted to customers in electronic form, reducing the use of paper.

(4) Daily energy saving system
In the daily operation details, we have put into practice the environmental protection concept, and put together the general direction of protecting the environment with every small step.

Refuse to use paper cups
We do not use paper cups as a substitute for ceramic cups. When entertaining customers, we always use ceramic cups as vessels for serving drinks to reduce the use of disposable items.

Participate in the "City Water Fighting Project"
As a member of the "City Water Fighting Project", everyone can enjoy free water pouring service in our flagship concept store. We hope to do more to reduce the amount of bottled water people buy.

ASA Tiles will continue to work hard, consistently, and strive to become a member of the promotion of environmentally sustainable development.


The ultimate in artistic cutting

Unbounded by the frame of tiles. Personalise your tiles with Artistic Cutting.
The artistic cutting of ceramic tiles has infinite possibilities, and is not restricted by any size, line, or style.
Whether you want to use ceramic tiles to create artwork as small as 2mm, as large as 2.4m, or with detailed and complex lines, it can all come true.

3D craftsmanship

Simple and delicate three-dimensional lines,
Art like a relief.

3D collage

Using different tile materials,
Shapes and angles to create a sense of hierarchy,
Show lifelike three-dimensional feeling.

Playful texture

Under the matching between ceramic tiles and copper sheets,
Form the contrast between the texture of the material,
Playful and modern.

Cut shallow

Only make a shallow cut on a ceramic tile to form an indentation,
Preserve the integrity of the tiles.


"Hong Kong Streets on Tiles" Hong Kong City Painter-Zhao Qiting

I usually paint on paper and canvas. Painting on ceramic tiles is a new attempt for Elaine. When I write, I feel fresh and challenging. The whole creative process brings her a new experience and a little new reflection.

In love with the streets of Hong Kong, Elaine has always used watercolors to document the appearance of our city, especially the streets with a taste of "old Hong Kong". For her, the effect of painting on the tiles is better than imagined, because the appearance of the street and the tiles are put together, and it turns out that they blend in just right.

"Affected by the old street signs, I have always liked metal signboards, so I especially love the earthy color system. Using tiles of the corresponding color as the drawing board, there is no need to add more content due to the background color of the painting. The artistic conception and composition of the "blank" The sense of space on the top is exceptionally present."

In addition to the color matching, the texture of the creation on tiles is also different from the usual creation on paper and canvas.

"Some tiles are not smooth, but have unique textures, and the texture is very different from ordinary drawing boards. Such tiles, after the corresponding composition, the work will appear more real. It turns out that a painting can not only bring out visual enjoyment. , Creators can provide one more sensory way for viewers to appreciate the work-tactile rather than visual."

So, does this new creative attempt still give Elaine more new experiences?

"I have always said that I like old things. The valuable thing about old things is that we must protect them. Their fragility makes people cherish them. Or, if we don’t cherish them, I’m afraid we won’t be able to do it again soon. Seeing it. Tiles give me the same feeling. If you don’t pay attention, the creation on the brick surface will no longer be the original. Because of this, I must always remind myself that in the life of non-stop creation, I must not forget it. We must always value, stare at and cherish every work."

The possibility that ceramic tiles can be shaped has gone beyond the inherent ideas all the time!

Learn more about Elaine:
personal webpage-
Facebook- elainechiuart
Instagram- elainechiuart

In line with the faith and intention to innovate on ceramic tiles, ASA is committed to providing customers with their own style of life.

If you are interested in artistic tiles, Guanying visits Asia's flagship concept store. For cooperation on art projects, please contact 2152 1900 or 9686 6482.

(Written by: Gily Poon)


Lifetastic 層次之美|The Beauty of Layering

The watermelon cake craze has swept across Australia, and the watermelon cakes in Hong Kong must be reminded of Lifetastic, a unique cafe. Recently, the newly opened branch in Tsim Sha Tsui is full of design, which matches well with the fresh and gorgeous watermelon cake. The restaurant was designed by Max Lam Designs and won the "Restaurant and Bars Design Awards" and "UK A&D trophy awards, Hong Kong". The idea of Max Lam Designs comes from the distinct layering and elegant theme of the watermelon cake.

"Grand" is a feeling and a concept. The designer uses multiple layers of noble and elegant colors to match the watermelon cake with distinct layers. The floor is made of marble tiles of different colors to form an arrow-string pattern, which is gorgeous and practical, and has the function of guiding the way visually. The upper layer of the wall body and ceiling color is distinct, and the lighter and darker colors are progressive. The use of tiles of the same color creates an arc-shaped line extending from the wall to the ceiling, which merges into one.

The designer cleverly used geometric elements and metal to guide the way to divide the restaurant seats into several areas to meet the needs of different guests. The sea-blue sofa area allows the family to rest and relax; the "High table" seat is suitable for couples and close friends; the VIP round table area is more private and is the best choice for friends. Different areas are connected with noble and elegant themes. The designer makes good use of various circles and arcs, and the atmosphere feels softer and more comfortable, creating a relaxing space for guests to forget their short-term fatigue.

The center of the restaurant is the food area. The design is mainly gray and white natural marble, seamlessly connecting the wall and the cake display cabinet. Marble along the grain is simple and noble, setting off the colorful watermelon cake with rich layers. The whole design shows different areas in an elegant style, and the layering of watermelon cake is assembled with simple and noble masonry paving.

ASA Tiles adheres to the insistence on quality and is committed to providing designers with materials of different styles to achieve exquisite and magnificent artworks.

Interior Design/Lighting Design: Max Lam Designs

Photographer: Dick Liu

Text: Bill Lam


Home of Hairy Boys and Minions

In addition to considering the design style, home decoration should also take into account the practicality of the space, and consider the safety of the users as far as the family members are concerned. Now, there are more and more pet owners. As owners, they have to take care of fur children's comfort at the same time. Let's take a look at the key points of design company CHEER HOME when you want to design the home for fur children, so that "owners" are satisfied with this home!

Key 1: Shoe cabinets in the hallway and seat cabinets for hanging clothes are convenient for cleaning the hairy children

After going out, the soles of the shoes will inevitably bring the dust and dirt out of the street home. If you don't want to be touched by the hairy child, you can set up a shoe cabinet and a space for hanging clothes in the entrance to avoid bringing all kinds of bacteria into the house. The seat cabinet is convenient for the owner to clean the dog who has just returned home, and the outing cage of the furry child can also be placed here.

Key 2: Avoid designing ceiling lamp troughs to install cat springboards and cat walkways

Cats love high places. For example, if there is a ceiling lamp slot in the house, an active cat will use the cabinet top to jump into the lamp slot, or even step on the lamp tube to cause accidents. There are cat springboards and cat walkways in the decoration, which can give the master more space for activities. In addition, the springboard and walkway should be high enough and wide enough, and have enough load-bearing capacity.

Point 3: Arrange a sunbathing space

Cats love to bask in the sun. In addition to keeping warm, they can also supplement vitamin D to enhance the immunity of their owners and furry children. If the unit does not have a window sill, a cat springboard can be installed beside the window.

Key 4: Concealed tube design for wire configuration

Tutu loves to chew on wires, and adopts a concealed tube design to prevent the wires from being exposed to prevent short circuits and electric shocks caused by hairy children's bites.

Point 5: Design a relaxing space for the exclusive fur child

Cats love dark and narrow spaces; most of the furry kids who have just taken home are more afraid of people. If there is enough space in the home, you can design a play area or a potty place, so that they can have their own little world and relax.

In addition to the above decoration points, you should also pay attention to the selection of home materials and furnishings. For example, the floor material is not easy to fade, will not be corroded by urine or vomit, and is not easy to be scratched by cat's claws; sofas should also be selected to resist cat's claws. The fabric and the waterproof function are easy to clean.

Asia ceramic tiles are wear-resistant, anti-corrosive, anti-bacterial and deodorant to protect the health of your fur. Design cooperation contact 2152 1900 or 9686 6482.

Case provided: CHEER HOME You want to live at home

(Written by: Asher Cheung)


Kids Winshare|Reimaging Bookstore

Knowledge and fun are often difficult to coexist, and letting children learn comfortably and independently is often a big problem for parents. The PANORAMA Design Group project "Wenxuan Children's Bookstore" combines knowledge and fun through innovative design, and achieves complementary effects. The design idea comes from the natural and geometric style of Joan Miro, one of the three major Spanish postmodern artists. Studies have pointed out that geometric figures are of great benefit to children's cognition, which can stimulate thinking and arouse curiosity. The designer is well versed in the relationship between environment and knowledge. The whole space is bright and comfortable. The simple circular and curved elements are cleverly used to stimulate children's infinite curiosity and imagination.

The first half of the bookstore is the reading and book collection area. When you walk into the bookstore, you will see the yellow-and-white design of the space. You are surrounded by spiral bookshelves and round pendants, and you feel like you are in a dreamy fairy tale world. A reading environment full of childishness can enhance the atmosphere of learning and attract children's curiosity about knowledge. The designer uses a pure white wall with soft lighting to reflect healthy light suitable for children's reading (appropriate floor and wall can effectively achieve bright and not dazzling lighting effects). The transparent and comfortable reading space provides children with independent space, so that children can have a process of self-searching and explore their own small universe in their reading.

The designer broke through the traditional bookstore model and designed the crystallization of technology and wisdom. The egg-shaped 360-degree multimedia projection room in the second half of the area uses an innovative multimedia projection room to show various movies and scene images throughout the sky. The children are like being on the scene, being in the real environment, which can enhance the children’s curiosity and cognition of things , Arousing their imagination. The design of the 360-degree multimedia projection room can be described as originality, creating an infinite sense of space in a limited place. The boundless panoramic projection inspires unlimited imagination.

The interactive classroom next to the multimedia projection room is different from the traditional classroom layout. The designer removed the traditional teacher's desk and added a round desk. Zero-distance teaching breaks the barrier between teachers and students, allowing children to have more space to develop themselves. Through communication with other children, learning can be combined with entertainment, which can improve children's learning interest and imagination. The entire classroom adopts blue and white tones, with plenty of light, providing a space for children to learn as much as they want. (The use of non-slip flooring can reduce the chance of children being injured during activities, so that parents can be more at ease)

The novel and personal design of "Wenxuan Children's Bookstore" allows knowledge and fun to coexist. The simple circular and curved elements and the selection of appropriate materials can achieve the best design effect. The designer’s brand-new design concept breaks through the concept of traditional bookstores, understands the needs of the new generation of children, and creates a space for them.

ASA Tiles is committed to providing designers with materials of different styles in line with the insistence on quality to achieve masterpieces.

Interior Design: PANORAMA Design Group
Text: Bill Lam


Life is like seeing for the first time (Part 2)

It was drizzling, and I met him to watch "Aladdin" at the entertainment theater. The cinema has two floors, each with a lobby, connected by a row of magnificent spiral staircases in the middle. Like floating in the air, it not only maintains the flow of space, but also allows light to pass through the opening of the stairs, making the space bright and open. The spiral form has a powerful attraction. When you stand at the midpoint of the spiral, looking up or overlooking, you will see fragments separated between the stairs, like an infinite corridor, which makes it easy to recall the past.

The spiral staircase represents the discussion stage before designing and drafting the draft, gathering and sparking more interesting ideas. The audience can walk from the third floor lobby to the fourth floor from the stairs, walk in the whirlpool, plunge into a deeper imagination, and prepare for entering the movie world. This vortex is made up of multiple materials: black ceilings, hidden lights, copper-colored stainless steel plates and trims, metal plates, white paint, and gold-bronze railings. Both lobbies use black metal painted panels, wood veneers, nickel-plated stainless steel counters, white marble veneer walls and beige leather walls. Use the glossy and matte characteristics of these different materials to create pencil marks with different shades. The catering department on the third floor uses black and white and has straight lines. The counter is composed of white marble, hidden lights and copper mirrored skirting boards. The countertop is made of white steel, dark white wax and stainless steel edges. There is more straight-grained glass beside it, which is bordered by black stainless steel, and irregular rectangles are juxtaposed. The counter is covered with gray tiles and bright round light bulbs, illuminating the strong pencil sketch style.

Rotate along the stairs to the lobby on the fourth floor. The color is slightly changed to mainly gold and bronze, gradually leading to the coloring stage after the pencil sketch. The counter on the fourth floor is composed of straight-grained white marble and wooden veneer walls. It contrasts with the curve next to it, which can highlight the free spirit of the sketch. (Choosing high flatness and non-slip tiles helps maintain an elegant posture on the magnificent stairs)

The bathroom also uses pencil sketches as the main tone, and uses various shades of gray to express. Materials include black painted ceilings with hidden lights, stainless steel edging, gray wood veneers, gray-black tiles, white gypsum board ceilings, white glossy glass, gray floor tiles, and so on. Use a variety of similar but different materials, because even as simple as a pencil drawing, complex and tedious skills and materials are required. The lines in the bathroom are sharp and straight, as if after careful calculation, every stroke and every line is extremely accurate.

Ken has always studied wine, and is meticulous in the design of the bar area of the theater. Use lighting brightness, color distribution and other elements to enhance the beauty and mood of the space. There is a lot of knowledge in this.

Finally, I came to the viewing hall, where the colors are finally enriched, deducing the coloring stage of the draft. The seats in the two typical theaters also mix dark blue, dark gray, and brown, but the colors of the walls and carpets are slightly different. The walls of one of the auditoriums are mainly blue with a touch of green and covered with a gray-black carpet; the other is mainly green with a touch of purple and covered with a brown carpet. The walls of all viewing halls have a neat curve, concealed with soft lighting, and are surrounded by dark gray wood veneer plywood. The neat black lacquered ceiling tiles make the decorative curve of the wall more obvious the flow of space.

The straight and curved lines of the entire movie theater stand independently under the spotlight, indicating the freedom and boldness of imagination in the sketches. Because the original intention of creativity starts from expressing ideas bravely.
Drafting, design, sketching, sketching

First draft・finished product, first final・original intention

As a movie lover, some will choose to write film reviews, and some will choose to do film production. Theater interior designers are relatively unpopular. They had never thought about theater projects one after another. Once it was done, it was 6 years old. CM believes that as long as they do not follow the trend, the brand positioning is solid enough, and the quality is maintained, and the original intention is firm, they will definitely be able to break out of their world.

Postscript: I think a carefully designed theater can sublimate the entire experience of watching movies. In August of this year, the Oft Interior team will have another new work released. It is expected that the largest UA cinema in Hong Kong will open in the third quarter of this year at K11 MUSEA in Tsim Sha Tsui. From November 12 to November 17, K11 MUSEA will also hold the Cannes Film Festival Festival de Cannes Film Week, which will screen 6 of the official selections of the Cannes Film Festival in France this May. I really look forward to it!

Written by: Steph. M


Life is like seeing for the first time (Part 1)

I have lived in Western District since I was young, and I have always envied my classmates who live in Taikoo Shing because there are theaters in my own community! Today, the development of the Internet has changed our entertainment habits. The physical big screen is no longer the only way to enjoy movies. Watch online 24 hours a day on mobile phones, computers, and iPads. But I always think that the original feeling and atmosphere can be found in the theater. The expansive picture and stereo loopback stereo equipment is absolutely unmatched at home. Laughing and crying together is also the place where love sprouts must be checked.

Among them, the Emperor Entertainment Theater in Central is my favorite cinema. Amidst the rush of people going to and from get off work, stepping into the entertainment industry feels like a sense of relief, and it instantly makes people enter the atmosphere of watching movies. This theater is exactly the work of the designer of Oft Interiors.

They imagined that if these years are reproduced in a quick mirror, I believe that there must be many plans and drafts that pass quickly. Numerous changes and amendments, the draft paper, pencils, and erasers scattered on the workbench confirm the foundation of the interior design, which is also the first stage of the film: the sketch. The drafting stage is an indispensable and important stage for any creativity and design. Only with sketches can the imagination be gradually presented. Film workers often prepare Story Boards before shooting, and carefully draw the storyboard, shooting angle, location, and clothing. But who said that the draft can only stay at the first draft stage? The beauty of sketches is easy to be overlooked, but what it expresses is the purest and initial touch.

I am reminded of the sentence in "Mulan Ci Ni Gu Jue Jue Ci Yu You", "If life is only like first seeing", many people would be as good as they were when they first saw it... If only seeing it for the first time, all the good things will not be lost. It was amazing at first sight, goodbye still.

Written by: Steph. M


Girl's den

The average unit size in Hong Kong is not large. Whether you will buy a 200-foot dwelling or a 2,000-foot detached house in the future, you will want the decoration and design to be neat and tidy, and the home looks comfortable and spacious. How to plan the home to increase the sense of space in the unit? Designer Leo Tam is good at matching colors according to the guests' preferences, and adding some technical changes to make the unit more space-like.

Leo's case this time uses a warm, soft and romantic gray-pink theme to transform the residence into a private check-in location.

Due to the limited area, in order to expand the space, Leo thought of changing the open kitchen to the doorway, cleverly separating the kitchen and the living room, but also adding a visual sense of space. Sitting on the side of the sofa, you can also see the people who cook, making the relationship closer!

The original kitchen has been changed to a wardrobe, which allows the owner to have more storage rooms, especially the piles of clothes for girls. The closet is connected to the workbench, and the bed constitutes the space of the master room. Coupled with the design of the floor, it can be used to distinguish the space without the seemingly narrow gap between the door and the wall.

The use of glass allows light from different angles to be fully projected into the house, and it can double the sense of space in the living room and room.

On Sunday afternoon, the sun went into the pink cabin, and then lay on the bed and watched the TV in the living room for a while, and then looked out the window. It is so happy to be able to enjoy the lazy moment like this!

Asia is committed to creating a happy home for you.
The case provides:Leo Tam

(Written by: Asher Cheung)